Saturday, February 9, 2013 0 comments



To know what love is,
Seek every where around.
Found a little girl at green meadow.
Asked for What love is.
She allaged,it's an untaught lesson.
So on went near to a huge bush.
There i met a lovely teens.
Roaming in the sky with their dreams.
Asked with low little voice.
What love is..?
Replyed as it's a bridge 'tween two hearts.!”
well may be..!but never sufficed with.
Again on my own way of life.
Started of walking towards a hut,
Which was drag out of village.
So i met a old lady, who near to her end days.
Poced same as before.
And i got a needed one.
She stated it's a pond of care,
which can wets every jade heart.
It's a ocean of feeling,
which can dip you deepest.
I questioned one more.
To know what real love is?
Smillingly answered,truely “MOTHER'S LOVE”.

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